Site Established: September12, 2003 Click HERE for helpful search hints. t present, the Challenger BTT site is in a constant state of change with the build project, new articles being written and added to the site as well as new additions with expanding the site into new areas. So, if you can't find what you are looking for now, please keep checking back as new information will be added to the site on a regular basis. dditionally, will be conducting documentation of the building of a new Challenger. As all of you know, this is a very long process and will not be completed for a minimum of at least one (1) year to possibly three (3) years from the date we start, but we will be posting its progress as each stage of the building process is completed. All things come in time and we hope this new Challenger photo and documentation layout will be able to help answer most of your questions. Just remember, there are several ways to accomplish almost any task, so each area of the building process may not be the exact way you may tackle your project.
Challenger II Clipped Wing Special Featured Kit Build Project Challenger BTT is pleased to announce a new Challenger II Clipped Wing Special kit has arrived at our featured builders home and the construction is now underway. You will find our featured Challenger Build Project on our "Kit Building" web page, accessible from our Main Menu at the top of each web page and the Site Map web page for those of you who do not have a JAVA enabled web browser. Kit Start Date: January 24, 2004
For the latest site updates, see: New Arrivals
hallenger BTT site will be doing its best in providing every possible piece of information on building, flying, articles, resources and links of anything and everything available on the Quad City Challenger I & II. If you have information on any subject that you feel would help others and would like to contribute to this site, please let us know and we will review your information for placement on Challenger BTT. If you don't see what you are looking for, drop me a line and we will do our best to add the information you have requested to this site. Email link "also" requires a JAVA enabled browser.
Email: George Hurt Email: Dave
IMPORTANT: Pilots & Builders Outside USA Some of the information, articles, modifications, glossary terms and engines contained on our web site "may or may not" be a legal addition or of use to you or your Challenger ultralight in varying countries. Please consult your country's aviation regulations prior to adapting any information contained on the Challenger BTT web site.
PROBLEMS Viewing Our Main Menu? Browser not JAVA enabled? If you have problems using our JAVA driven menu system at the top of the page, "Missing Text", just click on Site Map. Here, you will still be able to navigate our site from the many site URL's and use your "BACK BUTTON" to return to the Site Map to continue viewing our site. Would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
"Fear of Heights"
Counter Started on Sept. 12, 2003 - 10:00 pm | Please sign our Guestbook | Building & Repair Questions For questions regarding building and repair, we would like to direct you to J.D. Stewart's "FlyChallenger" discussion group. All of our Advisory Committee members for this site are all avid members of the FlyChallenger group. So, not only will you have the opportunity to ask our committee members building and repair questions, but you will also have a much larger knowledgeable group of professionals to draw answers from.
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