FAA Regulations
Sport Pilot License Rule Effective September 1, 2004 As reproducing all the information on the new Sport Pilot License rules and conditions which are all available on EAA's "Sport Pilot" web site, we will just give you their URL link to the site. Here, you will learn all that you would like to know about the new Sport Pilots License. EAA's "Sport Pilot" web site: |
FAA Amateur-Built Aircraft Regulations
AC20-27E, Certification and Operation of Amateur-Built Aircraft, Provides information and guidance in the building, certification and operation of amateur-built aircraft. AC20-139, Commercial Assistance During Construction of Amateur-Built Aircraft, Explains FAA regulations and policy regarding commercial assistance during the fabrication and assembly of amateur-built aircraft. AC21-12B Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate, Form 8130-6 (11/2001) AC90-89A, Amateur-Built Aircraft & Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook, Sets forth suggestions and safety related recommendations to assist amateur and ultralight builders in developing individualized aircraft flight test plans. AC65-23A, Certification of Repairpersons (Experimental Aircraft Builders), Provides guidance to builders of amateur-built aircraft concerning their certification as repairmen. AC39-7C, Airworthiness Directives, Provides guidance and information to owners and operators of aircraft concerning their responsibility for complying with airworthiness directives (AD) and recording AD compliance in the appropriate maintenance records. AC103-7 The Ultralight Vehicle, Provides guidance to the operators of ultralights in the United States. It discusses the elements which make up the definition of ultralight vehicles for the purposes of operating under Federal Aviation Regulation (14 CFR part 103). It also discusses when an ultralight must be operated as an aircraft under the regulations applicable to certificated aircraft. FAA Order 8130.2E Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Products dated 1/23/03 establishes procedures for accomplishing original and recurrent airworthiness certification of aircraft and related products, including amateur-built aircraft. The procedures contained in this order apply to both Aircraft Certification Manufacturing and Flight Standards Airworthiness Aviation Safety Inspectors, and to private persons/organizations delegated authority to issue airworthiness certificates and related approvals. Chapter 4, Section 1 provides general guidance material associated with special airworthiness certification. Chapter 4, Section 7 provides specific information for special airworthiness certification of experimental amateur-built aircraft. Forms: |