Fabric Attaching Plate Modifications

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Top Fabric Plates
By: Mike Harrison

We use 1" aluminum angle and flat stock to make the top fabric attachment plates. Even with the plates notched for the flaperon assembly clearance, it is very strong and keeps the fabric nice and tight on the tall sides of the fuselage.

Click on images to enlarge.

Rear Fabric Attachment Plates
By: Mike Harrison

We make a rear fabric attachment plate kit that replaces the FG-99 plates that come with the standard Challenger. These plates make the center section that surrounds the elevator bellcrank removable for inspection. It also includes a plate that mounts on the bottom of the longerons which secures the fabric on the bottom and triangulates the area in front of the tail section.

If you have your own Challenger modification you would like to submit to our site, please send us an e-mail with the information & photos and we will get it listed ASAP.
