Building of a Challenger II
Clipped Wing Special Kit

Challenger - Building, Tips, and Techniques, is pleased to announce the arrival of a Challenger II Clipped Wing Special kit for the kit building section of our site. In the coming months, our builder will be bringing this kit build to you, section by section, within the forthcoming illustrated web pages. It will be our endeavor to completely explain the illustrations using an easily understood method, aimed primarily toward the beginning builder and future pilot. It should be noted that all that will be presented here will also apply to all other versions of the Challenger ultralight, with exception of the shorter clipped wings themselves.

It should be fully understood as you follow along, there are many ways and techniques to accomplish most tasks of the building project, encompassing many modifications and methods. Although we will not be able to cover each and every modification and method possible in this initial build, we will cover several possibilities.

In future builds, Challenger BTT will be bringing you additional methods and modifications not covered in our present build project. In a planned future build, we will be covering a Challenger II long wing with several modifications. The Challenger II Long Wing is presently in the planning stage for the Summer of 2004.

The following is a very brief and simplified list of the major build items and steps to be presented over the coming months, but not necessarily in the following order.

  1. Preparation of the building area, assembling of proper tools, and building of work platforms.
  2. Unpack, inspect, and inventory everything.
  3. Assemble, attach, and align the landing gear and tail wheel.
  4. Locate elevator and rudder hinge points (locations) and drill tubes for their attachment.
  5. Complete the wing panels by locating the ribs and the components of the end box section, if applicable; drill and pop-rivet parts.
  6. Locate aileron hinges.
  7. Assemble major airframe components such as wing panels, lift struts, vertical stabilizer and rudder, horizontal stabilizers and elevators, and horizontal stabilizer support struts.
  8. Assemble and attach all control rods and cables. Set control surface alignments and throw ranges.
  9. With the entire uncovered airframe assembled, check all rigging and control surface movement.
  10. When satisfied that the items of 9 above are all correct, disassemble all major components, marking and identifying all fasteners, supports, washers, shims, etc., in such a manner that the airframe can later be reassembled in the exact same configuration.
  11. Cover the tail feathers and dorsal fin.
  12. Cover the wing and aileron panels.
  13. Properly protect and store these components.
  14. Install and adjust main gear brakes.
  15. Build gas tank mounting tray, assemble in airframe and trial fit gas tank.
  16. Install flaperon components if you bought them.
  17. Test install seats.
  18. Complete fuselage nose or attach fiberglass nose cone.
  19. Design and build the instrument panel including a plan for the wiring of all systems.
  20. Fit and assemble windshield bows.
  21. Fit and temporally assemble Lexan windshield. Remove windshield.
  22. Cover the fuselage.
  23. Build doors if planned.
  24. Design a paint color scheme and paint all components accordingly.
  25. Install engine, redrive, and prop.
  26. Reassemble all components and complete wiring and recheck everything.
  27. Preparation and transport of your new Challenger to its new home base. (If your plane was not built at an airport where you plan to hanger or use tie down's)
  28. Final construction at its destination of placing the wings on your new plane.
  29. How to finalize your Weights & Balance calculations and weighing procedures.
  30. Having your paperwork ready for the FAA inspector to certify your Challenger for an Air Worthiness Certificate.

We hope you will enjoy and find our Challenger build project informative and of great assistance to you and your kit build.

Challenger BTT Advisory Staff