Securing & Riveting The Wing Ribs

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AFS/Stewart Systems Manual
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It is necessary to secure the fabric to the wing ribs. In this procedure, we hope to demonstrate the proper way of doing this.

NOTE: Aircraft Finishing Systems (AFS) is no longer in business. However, the production rights to the former AFS of Montana has been assumed by Stewart Systems of Washington.

Needed Items

Items you will need to complete this job are: 1/2" wide reinforcing tape. This is a fiber tape that was sent with your kit. Surface tape, Dacron 2" Pinked, available from Aircraft Spruce and other suppliers. An inexpensive soldering iron. Rivet gun, "a pneumatic rivet gun will help a lot". Small 2" paint brush to apply the glue. And a pair of scissors.

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Adding Reinforcing Tape To Ribs

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Before applying the reinforcing tape to the ribs, apply a coat of CecoBond Cement to the top of the ribs and work into the fabric and reactivate the glue on the ribs below the fabric.

Once the glue has fully dried, apply the reinforcing tape over each rib to extend about 2 inches past the last open rivet hole at both ends of the top of the rib.

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Opening Rivet Holes In Tape & Fabric

This procedure is rather simple. First, pre-heat your soldering iron, then locate the rivet holes in the ribs under the fabric and tape. Be careful not to touch the iron to the fabric unless you want a hole opened in the fabric. Once you locate each rivet hole, place the iron tip in the center of the hole depression and melt through the reinforcing tape and fabric. After all the holes have been opened in all the ribs, you are ready to start riveting.

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Inserting Rivets & Riveting The Fabric To The Ribs

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The rivets used for this procedure have an oversized head of about 3/8 inch, so they are easy to distinguish from all your other rivets. In order to insert the rivet shank into the holes, you "may" need to use a 1/8 inch drill bit to clean out the holes after opening. Then, insert the rivet shank into each rivet hole and securely rivet them down.

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Covering Rivet Heads With 2" Dacron Straight Tape.

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Using the 2" Dacron straight finishing tape, measure and cut strips of the tape to be long enough to overlap both the leading and trailing spars.

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Pull the finishing tape back on one rib about half way and apply about 6" to 10" of AFS CecoBond Cement to the rib surface at about 2-1/2" wide. Quickely place the finishing tape onto the wet glue and rub the glue up into the tape.

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Keep repeating this procedure until you are about 6" from the end of the tape. Now you will want to trim the end of the finishing tape to allow the end of the tape to end at about the center of the front of the spar. Using the same method of gluing, glue down the ends of the tape.

Repeat this process for the remaining ribs on the wing.

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After you have finished adding the finishing tape to all of the ribs, you will want to add a thin layer of AFS glue to the top of the tape. Using a clean cloth, dab the cloth into the AFS glue and rub a thin coat of the glue over the surface of the tape end edges of the tape and allow to dry.

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Using either a household iron or a crafters tac iron, iron out any air bubbles and to flatten the edges of the finishing tape to the surface of the wing fabric.

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Now you will want to apply the finishing tape to the front & rear spars. When applying the finishing tape, it will cover and lock in the finishing tape ends you just applied to the ribs.

Use the same gluing method to glue down the spar finishing tape as you used with the rib finishing tape.

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Opening Any Remaining Rivet/Bolt Holes

Now that you have finished the job, it is time to go back over your wing and open any covered rivet or bolt holes. Remember the finishing tape you applied to the spars? Well, you have the lift strut bolt holes in both the front and rear spars. Not to mention the rivet holes for the aileron hinges you drilles earlier in the build project.

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