Pre-Fit Tail Section

Due to the possibility that one of the pieces of the tail section may have been manufactured incorrectly, it is best to pre-fit the tail feathers onto the fuselage tail before covering. The only items needing to be pre-fit are the vertical and horizontal stabilizers.

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The vertical stabilizer bottom slip posts come undrilled from the factory. You will need to insert the vertical stabilizer posts into the black tail section vertical stabilizer sockets to locate and drill for the mounting bolt placement. As this is a very tight fit, it is recommended to use some type of lubricant to aid in this fit. In this case, Vaseline was used. However, we recommend using anti seize compound to fit those stabilizer ends down into the weldments.

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Get the high temp anti seize compound as you will need it for the exhaust fittings anyway. Use a thin film and be sure to wipe off any excess compound as it can make a terrible mess.

Before you attempt to insert the vertical stabilizer posts into the stabilizer post sockets, first use your finger to make sure there is no weld splatter that could cause an obstruction inside the sockets. If some is present, clean out any weld splatter before continuing.

Now, measure down on the inside of each socket "side", not front and rear. The sides of the sockets are where the stabilizer tubes will bottom out. Then transfer the measurement to the stabilizer posts and make a mark. That way you can tell if the tube went all the way down during the fitting process.

Some tubes are a tight fit and could seem to stop before they actually hit the socket bottom. The mark on the tube will confirm this, and you can then do some sanding of the inside of the socket or the tubes in order to have them go down to the bottom.

On the vertical stabilizer, the sockets are both the anchor points and the resistance to flexing. You want those stabilizer tubes to go all the way to the bottom, otherwise you will lose some flexing resistance during rudder use. The rudder puts a lot of side load on the vertical stabilizer. You want it as tight as possible in those two sockets which will only happen if the tubes fully bottom out.

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After you have the stabilizer posts lubricated with a thin film of Vaseline or anti seize compound, use a rubber mallet to "GENTLY" persuade the posts to seat down completely into the post sockets.

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Once the vertical stabilizer has been fully seated into the vertical stabilizer sockets, use the pre drilled socket holes as a guide to drill the stabilizer posts with a 1/4" drill bit. Once this is done, you can insert the two retaining bolts into the sockets to hold the vertical stabilizer into place.

After you have completed the tail pre-fit in this section, you can then remove the vertical stabilizer and go to the tail hinge fitting section.


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Here is something that may come in handy, but not required. Our builder has rounded the attaching end spars, (top & bottom), of the horizontal stabilizers to allow them to be folded up against the vertical stabilizer for transporting of the fuselage in a truck or trailer. Nice idea!

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Using a good quality masking tape for support, assemble the horizontal stabilizers on the tail section. Be sure to use a square to make sure you have as perfect as possible a 90 degree angle from the vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizers.

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Once the above step has been completed, you can now pre drill for and temporarily attach the stabilizer lift supports.

Be careful not to lift up on the horizontal stabilizers when drilling or move the stabilizers in any way or your alignment will be off from the needed 90 degree angle.

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Once the above step has been completed, you can now pre drill for and temporarily attach the stabilizer lift supports.

You can now move onto the Tail Section Hinge Fitting and Wing Pre-Fit sections.