Tips Corner
Q: What type of Loctite or other brand would be best for use on two stroke engines?
A: The recommended Loctite for use on two stroke engines is Loctite 515, 518 or 574, though 574 is rather difficult to find in the United States. There are a few different size quantities and most available at any good automotive store. A 4-oz tube will run about $25-$30, a 1.69-oz tube of 515 for about $13.00 and in very small tubes, less then an once for about $4-$6 at places like the Auto Zone or Pep Boys. Another brand that seem to work quite well is Three Bond 1104. It is used for two stroke motorcycle engine cases and works fine on the Rotax. Lastly, Permatex Anerobic Gasket Maker, looks and acts like Loctite 515 and is $3.29 for a 6ml tube at NAPA. Permatex used to be owned by Loctite and broke away from Loctite in 1999 to become a separate company. Be careful of using other brands or types then what has been mentioned as many of them will break down if exposed to fuel, mixing with it and as such, clogging parts of your engine and or fuel lines. Would hate to be flying at a low altitude and have the engine quit! No time to choose a landing spot, its a "RIGHT NOW" decision. |
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Q: Is there a product on the market which will lesson the carbon buildup in my engine?
A: It appears that Marvel Mystery Oil lessons the effect of carbon buildup greatly. Use a ratio of 1 ounce per six gallons of fuel, ( mixed with the fuel ) or 1 once per pint of Penzoil Blue for oil injection systems. Can be found at most automotive stores in the US and Canada. CAUTION: Use "ONLY" as an oil additive, not as a replacement for the engine oil mixture. Here is what one owner / pilot says: Just wanted to let everyone know that I inspected my plugs this evening after running (ratio of 4oz MMO to 10gl. of 100LL) about 40 gallons of 100LL with Marvel Mystery Oil through my engine. Previously I mentioned that I had to decarbonize my engine after 75 hrs, mostly to remove the lead deposits. After pulling the plugs this time, I could not believe what I saw, so I took them to a dealer on the field that saw what my plugs looked like before. He couldn't believe that I brought him plugs from the same engine! These plugs are a very nice light tan, with no carbon or lead deposits at all. I would not have believed this if I didn't run this test myself. I don't endorse this for anyone else, nor do I recommend that you run MMO with your fuel. My intent here is to share with you an experience that I had by using this product after discovering heavy lead deposits in my engine. I know that most of you run MOGAS, so don't see this kind of problem, but if you ever use 100LL... you may want to consider this. Mark HuntleyMr. Dave Goulet of Quad City also recommends the use of Marvel Mystery Oil in the Rotax engines sold with the Challenger kits. |
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The PowerSonic 18 ah battery ( part # PS-12180 NB) that is commonly sold in the magazines for around $70.00, but can be purchased right off the shelf at Batteries Plus stores for around $40.00. They use a very similar battery in emergency lighting as well. The difference is in the type of connection made to the batteries. NOTE: Prices above based on early 2004. | ![]() |
I ran into B.B. Battery due to a sealed lead acid battery I have in my home security system. I bought one of their small 4.0Ah batteries for my system 6 years ago and it's still going strong. It sits in the control panel as a backup for power outage. I recently pulled it to see if it was still holding a charge. It is. After sitting on my bench for almost a month it still shows 12.9 volts on it. Amazing. | ![]() |
SPECIAL NOTE: Before you can apply any paint to a fiberglass surface, you will first need to sand all surfaces, then apply an epoxy coat or a two part epoxy primer, otherwise your final paint job will not stick to the fiberglass surface and will peal off. Perhaps a two part "white" epoxy primer would be best as white gives you a clean slate for a background color and will not effect the color of your final coat.
PAINTING TIP #2: Consider using a white two part epoxy primer on the inside of your nose cone. Why? Well, when you have to get in there to work later, it will be much easier to see things if the area is a light or white color then black. Think about it! |