Recommended Tools

Recommended tools to assemble a Challenger Ultralight Aircraft

Combination Wrench Set: SAE

Foot Lb. Torque Wrench: Capable of 10 to 150 ft/lbs.
Inch Lb. Torque Wrench:
Best price at Ace Hardware

Socket & Allen Wrench Sets: SAE & Metric

Screw Driver Sets: Standard Flat & Phillips

Nut Driver Sets: SAE & Metric
Hand Rivet Gun: capable of handling 1/8", 3/16" rivets
Hydraulic Riveter, Includes 4 nosepieces: 3/16'', 5/32'', 1/8'', 3/32'', air inlet: 1/4'' NPT
Available from (Harbor Freight, #167-1VGA @ abt. $35.00) and other sellers.

1/8" Pilot Drill Bit: It won't 'walk off' the round tubes nearly as easily as a standard bit.

Drill bits: 3/32", 1/8". 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8". 1/2" (3/32" to 3/16")
Bits are easily broken; have extras to prevent delays.

Utility Knife: (razor sharp)

Saw Horses: Two or more are needed for wing frame assembly and to make a quick bench.

Fine Point Felt Pen: for marking tubing

Hammer: one small plastic mallet

Files: fine flat bastard, half moon

Spring Clamps: About 1 dozen

Measuring Tools: tape measure 25', protractor/angle finder (with 90 degree face)

1/2 doz. rolls paper towels, small bottle of "BLUE" loctite.

Small containers for covering glue
(mason jars, margarine, yogurt type)

Short pieces of 2"x4" wood for propping up airframe when needed

Wet & Dry sandpaper (for smoothing off rough edges of aluminum)

Work table & Storage shelves for parts

Scissors for trimming Dacron covering fabric.
Only use SHARP, new pair.

White, 1" dacron first aid tape

Ruler (6" is enough)

Long Level (for washout adjustment, etc.)

Deburring Tool (comes in handy, although a ½" bastard file will also do)

Safety wire (diameter .032 is good)

Scrub pads for preparing tubing for covering
(3M Scotch Brite type)

WARNING: steel wool will inbed fine steel particles in the aluminum tubes and promote corrosion!

Paintbrush: 1-1/2" bristles to apply covering glue.
4" brush to apply Poly-Brush Coating
(Use MEK to clean brush)

Iron (standard with dark heating surface and Tac Iron for tight areas)

(Highly Recommended for Iron Temps.)
Raytek Hand-Held Minitemp MT4 Infrared Thermometer, 0 to 500°F, D:S 8:1, Laser Sighting

Snap Center Punch (helps with drilling rivet holes)

Pin Punch, 1/16" for removing center pin/mandrel in rivet before drilling out rivet.

Soldering Iron with pencil tip for opening drill holes threw fabric.

Aviation snips!
You can make do with just the straight cut snips.

Heat Gun: For electrical heat shrink tubing, for wiring.


Crescent Wrench, 2 ea. Large (For Prop drive nut)

Electric Hand Drill: capable of holding 3/8" bit, battery hand drills are handy

You will use a lot of MEK for cleaning and glue reactivation, about 3 to 5 gallons.

Cleco Pliers & Fasteners
For explanation and use of Cleco pliers and fasteners, click HERE.