Weighing A Plane Using Bathroom Scales
By: Doc Green
In attempting to weigh a plane using a single bathroom scale, problems are sometimes encountered in getting reliable and repeatable readings. This is due to flexing of the gear and tires as the plane is jacked up and down repeatedly in the course of moving the scale from one wheel to another. In some cases, side loads are applied that can cause the scales to read inaccurately. Here is a procedure that will minimize many of these problems. Once the plane is "up on the blocks," no further jacking is required.
And that's all there is to it. |
Possible good scale type: Taylor 5550 - digital strain gauge scale. Ed Burkhead reports this scale stays accurate to within 1-2 lb. even in the range of near 3%# (um-humm) lb. This scale has been checked against doctor's balance scales in four different doctors' offices and matched all. Other higher-end Taylor digital strain gauge scales may well be as accurate. Prices range near $40. |