New Arrivals

This page will contain any and all new additions - Articles, Mod's, Tips, Recommended Books and so on which has been added to our site.

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2012 New Arrivals Archives Web Page

New Arrivals

NEW COLOR CODE: For easier article TYPE identification, see article date.

BLUE: Informative Piloting or Navigation article.
BROWN/RED: Building Tips, Articles & Modifications.
GREEN: Hanger Talk related articles or stories.
ORANGE: Reference material.

February 2010

02-18-10 Is This Used Challenger A Good Buy - Challenger aircraft have become very popular over the past 25 years with approximately 4000 kits produced. QCU has produced several airframe models during this time and the Challenger II has proven to be one of its most popular designs. With that many aircraft produced, there are now many used Challengers being offered for sale. Whether you find a bargain or a problem depends on making an informed decision to purchase or pass on specific aircraft. Unfortunately, most people who buy used aircraft have no experience with aircraft and are unaware of the many possible pitfalls involved. Can be found on "BULD PROJECT Menu", "Articles", "Helpful Articles & Tips". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

02-18-10 Radio and Intercom System Install - A word of sound advice. There are "SOME" pilots and builders out there who have decided to save money by not buying and installing a radio system in their plane. This in itself is a "DANGEROUS" decision for more reasons than I would care to list. However, the most important reason for a radio system is during take off and landing procedures. Many small uncontrolled airports do have... fairly moderate pattern traffic at times. Without a radio to announce your intentions and to hear other aircraft, you may place yourself, your passenger, and those in other aircraft operating near you in "Harm's Way". Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD", "Electrical", "Intercom/Radio System". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

April 2010

02-18-10 Redrive - Bearing Replacement - Has your Challenger redrive been bothering you lately? Perhaps you are wondering if the bearings may be failing or are about to fail? You have tried to determine if they are running rough but cannot decide either way if they are still good or not. You really would like to answer that question but the only way you see to do that is to open up the drive, remove the bearings and do a hands-on inspection. But the problem is you don't exactly know what is inside the drive or what to expect in doing that. Can be found on "BULD PROJECT Menu", "Articles", "Engine Relates Articles". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".