New Arrivals

This page will contain any and all new additions - Articles, Mod's, Tips, Recommended Books and so on which has been added to our site.

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New Arrivals

NEW COLOR CODE: For easier article TYPE identification.

BLUE: Informative Piloting or Navigation article.
BROWN/RED: Building Tips, Articles & Modifications.
GREEN: Hanger Talk related articles or stories.
ORANGE: Reference material.

January 2007

01-01-07 Covering The Wings - AFS Method - The following is an AFS, CecoBond Cement covering job of the wings. We will also present a Poly Fiber system wing covering job in another web page. Please remember, there are usually several ways to complete any job, the following information is just one of these examples. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-01-07 Covering The Wings - Poly Fiber Method - The following is a Poly Fiber, Poly Tak covering job of the wings. We will also present an AFS system wing covering job in another web page. Please remember, there are usually several ways to complete any job, the following information is just one of these examples. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-01-07 Securing & Riveting The Wing Ribs - AFS Method - It is necessary to secure the fabric to the wing ribs. In this procedure, we hope to demonstrate the proper way of doing this. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-01-07 Securing & Riveting The Wing Ribs - Poly Fiber Method - The following is an AFS, CecoBond Cement covering job of the wings. We will also present a Poly Fiber system wing covering job in another web page. Please remember, there are usually several ways to complete any job, the following information is just one of these examples. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", " FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-01-07 Covering The Tail, Both AFS & Poly Fiber Methods - We will be describing the process of covering the tail section - elevators, rudder and the elevator & rudder stabilizers. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

March 2007

03-02-07 US & Canada - Annual Fly-In List - The Challengers101 web site is pleased to announce the addition of an Annual Fly-In listing for the US and Canadian reagons of North America. Can be found on "Featured Links Menu". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-28-07 KEEPING YOUR TWO-STROKE ENGINE FLYING - By John Davis and Ralph Shultz - If you really would rather be flying than looking for a place to set her down, it's very important that you know and understand a little about your engine and what it takes to keep it ticking. This article will introduce you to some of the critical parts and components of your basic power package, and provide some insight as to the how, what, and why's of their maintenance. Can be found on "Featured Links Menu". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

04-26-07 Preparation For Covering The Fuselage - Before you start covering the fuselage, it would be advisable to check the following recommendations for preparing for covering. You will find some of the following suggestions to be a good idea and other items a "MUST DO" before you cover. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

04-26-07 Covering The Fuselage - AFS Method - The following is an AFS CecoBond Cement covering job of the fuselage. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

04-26-07 Covering The Fuselage - Poly Fiber Method - The following is a Poly Fiber covering job of the fuselage. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

June 2007

06-17-07 The 10/10 Special Antenna - by: Gary Middleton - Here is a simple antenna you can easily make yourself. For $10 in supplies from Radio Shack and 10 minutes of your time, you can make this simple nose mounted antenna. Though it won't compete shoulder-to-shoulder with a good professional unit, it can serve as well or better than some other homemade designs. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Electrical System, Communications & Gauges". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

06-17-07 Fuse Box & Power To Instrument Panel - We will be presenting two ways to set up and/or create an electrical panel fuse box for all your wiring interconnection needs. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

06-17-07 Installing Wing Tip Strobe Lights - The strobe lights being installed were purchased from Kuntzleman Electronics, Inc. and are their Double Dual Magnum 12VDC Strobe - STANDARD 12 volt Model with driver box wiring, plugs and two standard streamline heads. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

06-17-07 Adjusting Aileron & Rudder Turnbuckles and Cables - The following procedure can either be done early in the build or at the end during final assembly. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

November 2007

06-17-07 US & Canada - Annual Fly-In List UPDATE For 2008 - Can be found on "Featured Links Menu", "Annual US & Canada Fly-In List". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".