New Arrivals

This page will contain any and all new additions - Articles, Mod's, Tips, Recommended Books and so on which has been added to our site.

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New Arrivals

NEW COLOR CODE: For easier article TYPE identification.

BLUE: Informative Piloting or Navigation article.
BROWN/RED: Building Tips, Articles & Modifications.
GREEN: Hanger Talk related articles or stories.
ORANGE: Reference material.

January 2005

01-02-05 Build Your Own Comm Antenna - by: Jim Hayward - Anyone who has ever priced commercially made comm antennas for aircraft knows how spendy they can be. This article will show you how to make your own for a fractional cost of a commercial antenna. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Electrical System, Communications & Gauges". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-02-05 How to Protect your Engines Vibration Mount While Torquing the Prop Shaft Nut - by: Ralph Shultz - If you have ever replaced your redrive belt and had to torque that large nut on the prop shaft you already have first hand knowledge as to how difficult it is to get that nut torqued to the required 150 ft/lbs. You probably also noticed how much strain this put on the rubber vibration mounts for the engine. That strain is easily controlled using the following procedure. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Engine Related Articles". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-17-05 Under Rear Seat Battery Mount - ADDED - by: Ernie Scherb - An additional "Under Seat Battery Mount" modification has been added to this web page. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Modifications". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-28-05 Installing A Capacitance Tube Fuel Gauge Into The Fuel Tank - by: Mike Harrison - What Is A Capacitance Tube Fuel Gauge? This is from Mr. Harrison's installation instructions shipped with the Capacitance Tube Fuel Gauge. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

01-28-05 Priming, Choking, and Enriching - by: John Ratliff, AKA "Rat" - Priming is a word that can mean several different things. Priming really means injecting fuel into the intake system. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Engine Related Articles". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

February 2005

02-21-05 NEW Main Menu Update - We have just updated the Site Main Menu System and Site Map in hopes the new menu & map will make navigating our web site a little easier for all visitors.

02-21-05 Total Plane Wiring for A Digital Panel - This addition illustrates each physical wiring from instruments on the instrument panel to wiring to the engine to wiring up the battery. This is edition "one of two" whole plane wiring articles which is created for the plane with a "digital instrument panel". The next whole plane wiring article will deal with an analog instrument panel wiring. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", under "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

02-21-05 Wheel Pant Mounting - by: Anthony McGee - For QCU Wheel Pants and Mike Harrison's Landing Gear. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT Menu", "Articles" web page, under "Modifications". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

March 2005

03-04-05 Challenger II Wiring Schematic - Digital - (REVISED) - by: Art Freeman - The wiring schematic has been updated to correct a wire color code at the engine. Can be found on "Kit Building" web page, "Total Plane Wiring for A Digital Panel" and from the "Downloads" web page. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-13-05 Recommended Tools - (REVISED) - Several items have been revised, removed and new items added to this list of tools needed and recommended for building your Challenger. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" web page, "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT" menu, "Recommended Tools". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-22-05 FAA REQUIRED Decals & Placards - This web page was created for the "NEW" builder to help identify what decals, placards and instrument markings which will be required on your plane by the FAA or DAR inspector at the time of Airworthiness inspection. The following information should help make this inspection go a lot smoother and are "ALL FAA REQUIRED" items. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" web page, "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT" menu. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-22-05 Tail Wheel Modification - by: Russ Hauser - There have been lots of posts on about different ways of moving the challenger around. If you park your plane in a hangar with a concrete floor this might be just the ticket for you. It's also handy on the ramp. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Modifications" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-22-05 The Miracle Air Whip Antenna Review - by: John Ratliff AKA "Rat" - The company says the "Air Whip" will probably be the best-performing, easiest-to-install, longest-lasting and least expensive airband antenna you ever own." I think they just might be correct. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Electrical System, Communications & Gauges" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-22-05 The $1.55 Manometer - Fine Tuning the Carbs - by: John Ratliff AKA "Rat" - The carburetors on the Rotax 503 DCDI can be a chore to synchronize. Getting the temperatures between the cylinders even can be even more elusive. Proper carburetor balancing requires a manometer however, these can be very expensive for a tool that is rarely used. There's gotta be a better way. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-26-05 Challenger II Wiring Schematic - Analog - (REVISED) - by: Art Freeman - This schematic was created for a analog instrument panel, not digital. Also has a Transponder & Encoder set up, dual wing strobes, as well as usual instruments. Full plane wiring schematic. Can be found on "Downloads" web page. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

03-26-05 Total Plane Wiring for An Analog Panel - This addition illustrates each physical wiring from instruments on the instrument panel to wiring to the engine to wiring up the battery. This is edition "two of two" whole plane wiring articles which is created for the plane with an "analog instrument panel". Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" web page, "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT" menu. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

May 2005

05-02-05 NGK Spark Plug Chart - The information below was taken from a pamphlet given out on NGK Spark Plugs in the late 1970's, it is just as valid today as it was then. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

05-02-05 Gross Weight - By: Anthony McGee - One question that prospective new Challenger owners usually ask is “If I weigh 200 pounds and my friend weighs 180, can we fly a Challenger?” Let's take a look at how Maximum Gross Weight is determined in order to attempt to answer this question. We'll also look at a real world example to give you some possible alternatives to having low useful loads. Can be found on our New Topic, "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Other Challenger Build Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

05-02-05 Controlling Throttle Creep - By: Jim Hayward - Some folks have reported trouble with the throttle lever and cable creeping. Apparently engine/flight vibrations can cause the throttle to creep toward idle while in flight thus reducing the power setting. Many times it can even be seen while on the ground. It can be annoying to say the least, as you have to either hold your hand on the throttle all the time or adjust it from time to time in order to maintain your power setting. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

05-02-05 Tail Cross Tube Support Modification - Some builders have reported making this modification. It allows easier tightening of a loosened tail support cross tube AN3 Philips head bolts used to secure the tail cross tube support. It seems, in some cases, the nuts that complete the bolted cross tube connection slightly crushes/bends the 1" down tube leaving some slack in the connection which can result in up and down movement in the tail assembly. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Modifications" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

05-02-05 Motor Mount Assembly & Engine Mounting - The engine mounting or Lord anti-vibration mounting plate is a rather straight-forward and simple installation with some drilling involved. We then demonstrate three (3) sequences on how to mount your engine. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" web page, "FEATURED BUILD PROJECT" menu. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

05-07-05 "NEW CATEGORY" - "SALES" Challenger related accessory Dealers & Challenger related private party items for sale - If you are looking for "Bill Volcko's Hydraulic Nose Gear Strut", you will find his web page on our site. Other items presently being advertised. Can be found at the top of "FEATURED LINKS" from our page menu. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

August 2005

08-27-05 Olive Jar Test for Alcohol - You can pre-test for alcohol at the gas station. Here's a review of the olive jar test for alcohol. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

08-27-05 ROTAX Torque Spec.'s For 377, 447, 503 & 582 - We have been asked several times for this information, so here it is. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

08-27-05 Rotax 2 Stroke Carburetor Sockets - JBM Industries also makes the rubber carburetor sockets for 2-stroke engines out of a rubber that will last far longer than the originals. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Articles"/"Engine Related Articles" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

08-27-05 Night Flight In A Challenger - Remember things can turn very nasty very quickly in the air at night. Therefore we feel it imperative to point out to all who entertain trying night flight, the all-to-often tragic outcome in flying at night with deficiencies in either pilot ability or experience or aircraft compliance with FAA requirements. Can be found on "Site Pages"/"Piloting & Navigation"/"Piloting" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

November 2005

11-21-05 Challenger I Weights & Balance Excel Spreadsheet - Can't find a Weights & Balance work sheet for a Challenger I in your manual? Okay, here is one made up in MS Excel for the Challenger I. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT"/"Downloads" menu's. Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

December 2005

12-08-05 UPDATE: To the Featured Build Menu - Due to the many topics, both already presented and yet to come, it was decided to create an easier "on web page" menu system for our visitors then the prior JAVA drop down menu system. Hope this helps! Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" menu under "Featured Build". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

12-20-05 Building a Breathing System For Painting Aerothane - When I was trying to decide what paint system to use to paint my Challenger II, I was soon confronted with several other concerns. It turns out that the decision of what paint to use was multi-faceted. The following are some of the things people were telling me I had to consider: Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" menu under "Articles", "Other Challenger Build Articles". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

12-20-05 10 Ways To Help Prevent Runway Incursions - Material was obtained from an FAA seminar. Can be found on "Site Pages" menu under "Piloting & Navigation", "Short Piloting Tips". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".

12-20-05 Weighing A Plane Using Bathroom Scales - In attempting to weigh a plane using a single bathroom scale, problems are sometimes encountered in getting reliable and repeatable readings. Can be found on "BUILD PROJECT" menu under "Articles", "Other Challenger Build Articles". Can also be found by clicking "HERE".